Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Birds

I am deeply and utterly petrified of birds. I do not know when this phobia started exactly, but this movie does not help.

(1) The plot begins like any other cheesy romance story. Melanie Daniels is a pracitcal joker and tries to play a joke on Mitch Brenner. Things go horribly wrong when she gets attacked by a seagull, therefore she is forced to stay in the small town of Bodega Bay where Mitch lives. While she is there the birds decide to go crazy, attack the village and take over the entire town.

(2) Surprisingly I had no real issues with acting in this film. Tippi Hendren I know had to suffer a lot emotionally and physically for this movie and she did a brilliant job. I really did enjoy watching her. The only annoying actress was the little girl who played Katy. But Suzanne Planchett was also a brilliant actress. It's very hard to be scared convincingly and everyone did a great job at it.

(3) I guess the actual Birds count as scenery. I mean, they were very fake looking in some scenes but very realistic in others. It was more of the sound of the birds chirping and pecking and the ruffling of feathers, that was scary to me. I feel bad that Tippi Hendren had to wear the same outfit the entire movie. I feel like Bodega Bay should have had one dress shop where she could have bought a new outfit, I mean she was abke to buy pajamas. The use of the color green is interesting to note too. The lovebirds and Tippi Hendren's dress were both green indicating that maybe this was the cause of what was happening in Bodega Bay.

(4) It's considered to be a classic Hitchcock film and I know why. It's not that movie is scary but it is suspenseful. The romantic love story is subdued and is just a plot device. I would give the movie a 3 out of 5. They loose points on unrealistic looking birds and not giving us a clear reason as to why the birds went crazy.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Contemporary Movie #1: Twilight

I have been waiting for this movie since the summer where I read all four books in less than two weeks (I'm a loser-- I know). I even bought the T shirt for the movie when I bought the fourth book. Needless to say I was beyond excited. And although many people adored the movie, it's nowhere near as good as the book (is it ever?)

(1) The storyline is simple. Vampire falls in love with non-vampire-- what do they do? They fall in love anyway and live happily ever after and fight other vampires. Unfortunately like most novel to movie scripts, a lot of background is cut out. You didn't really truly understand Bella in this movie where in the book you know her so well you are practically her. You breathe, sleep and cry with her. In the movie she was just some character. Unlike the book though, the movie really portrayed her friends at the school brilliantly. I had a deeper apprecaition for the characters now.

(2) Robert Pattinson was amazing no doubt. Gorgeous, perfect, simply just magical. I get chills when I think about it-- probably because he's so handsome but this acting-- well-- he's much better than Kristen Stewart who was dull. Anyone could have played that part. And she did not do Bella justice, you didn't feel her pain, or sorrow. She brought no emotions to the screen. In the book you cry your eyes off and in this movie you just want to her die. Sadly, I did not like the girl who played Alice either. And Alice is my favorite character in the novels, she just didn't have the bubbliness of Alice. She was just too-- nonhyper.

(3) The movie itself was quite dark which I can't decide if I liked or didn't like. I must say, I was highly disappointed with the meadow scene. That is the dream that Stephanie Meyer had that embarked her into writing these novels and they just failed to deliver. There was no magic at all. When you saw him in the sun, it didn't even look that different. I wanted a body like a diamond like Emma Frost from X-men. SOMETHING. Not specks of light. I think they did a good job though making Forks out to be the gloomiest place on earth though. Overall- the mise-en-scene isn't that noteworthy.

(4) If I hadn't of read the books, I would have been lost at certain points. My mother was confused a lot and I had to keep telling her things from the novel to get her to understand. As usual the book is better than the movie and I recommend people reading the series and then seeing the movies.

I guess I would rate is a 3 out of 5. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't amazing. And Robert Pattinson is just gorgeous.